New management of Panta Holdings B.V. continues the life's work of Jaap Rosen Jacobson.

Effective January 1, 2024, Daniel and Sam Rosen Jacobson will join the newly formed executive board of Panta Holdings B.V.. Timo Huges, currently member of the Advisory Board of Panta, will take over as executive director. In addition, Dirk Jan Randeraad will remain as financial director.

After the sudden passing away of Jaap Rosen Jacobson, the Executive and Advisory Board of Panta Holdings thoroughly analyzed its future and the futuregovernance. It has been concluded and decided that the activities of Panta Holdings shall be continued unabated and that two of his sons - Daniel and Sam - as the second generation of Rosen Jacobson, will continue their father's life's work.

In this transition to a second generation, Timo Huges – currently a member of the Advisory Board – takes over as executive director. Timo has extensive experience in business, including as CEO of Flora Holland and the NS (Dutch National Rail Company). After his career as an accountant at a Big 4 firm, Dirk Jan Randeraad worked as an independent consultant. He has been associated with Panta as CFO since the year 2021.

As the eldest son of Jaap Rosen Jacobson, Daniel has gained experience in large tech companies and various tech startups over the past 10 years. Since 2021, Daniel has been working in the sustainable aviation section at Panta. In the new management, Daniel will focus on the aviation portfolio. Sam, who started his career in the assurance branch of PwC, will concentrate on real estate and hospitality at Panta Holdings.

Joanne Kellermann will remain involved with Panta Holdings both as a shareholder of Panta Holdings and as chairman of the Advisory Board.

Panta Holdings has been an active investment company since 1984, investing in established and growing companies within Europe, with a focus on aviation, hospitality, real estate, and technology. The portfolio includes Fokker Services Group, Fokker Next Gen, Postillion Hotels, and LIFE-NL B.V.
